As a member of Penthouse Gold you will be getting access to high-quality exclusive videos and pictures, plus other stories featuring different sensational celebrities not only in the porn world but also in other fields. You will hence find more than 1670 videos being featured here, where each model is completely mature with most of them being European. The videos here are based on different indoor and outdoor scenes where the sexy athletic models on this site, get to showcase their professional skills to their fans in different sex actions including solo lesbians and others.
Penthouse Gold has an endless collection of high-quality videos, with over 3700 videos and the number continues to increase as they are constantly updated on a regular basis. A huge part of these videos come in HD and you can download or stream them from the site, and you can get videos with dimensions ranging up to 1980×1080 pixels, available for streaming. You can also find 3D videos available for streaming using a large flash player, which loads the videos for you in no time and also gives you a very smooth playback. For downloads, the videos have dimensions ranging up to 1280×720 pixels where most of them are also in HD, found in MP4, WMV, and MPG file formats.