There are a few major standard designs and site builds in the online porn industry, and the Lubed uses one of the best ones. Though it’s a dark black theme, it’s not as disturbing as it would feel on other fetish sites. The first time you land on the site, you will notice that it has really high-quality hardcore porn videos, and the claims of high definition porn is not a joke here. The tour is free to take, and it features up to five 90-100 seconds long trailers. If you want to be sure about the quality, just check those clips on full screen, they simply look amazing.
While you check the previews, you would do good to become familiar with the controls and the navigation, because after you sign up, the same design welcomes you, and the same options are featured. Using the main menu on the top of the page, you can get to the scenes’ list, the girls’ list, and you can open your favorites. There are links to the live cams, the discount deals, and you can grab a premium access which grants you more hardcore porn from the same company: only high-def porn is what they give!
The videos of the Lubed are awesome in terms of quality. As we’ve stated already, there are only Ultra HD videos for you! You can, of course, choose a lower quality for better playback, but you are looking for the highest resolution (and you are not interested in VR), then this portal is a prime choice! You have the option to stream the videos; for this, a Flash video format is used, which offers options reaching up to 1080p. To get the actual 4K, you have to download the MP4 file under the Download Format option. The lowest quality is 640p for the MP4 file version and 720p for WMV version.
Since the source is basically high quality, the lower resolution videos also look fantastic! As far as speed is concerned, both the streaming, and the download speeds are great, so you won’t experience issues, whether you decide to watch the flicks right away, or download them. The average length of the videos is over 35 minutes, so they offer long hardcore fun. Every flick comes with two sets of pictures: there are screen caps and digital photos alike. However, you can’t download them in compressed files. The Lubed is mobile friendly.