Ex GF Review
Great HD gf porn site, ExGF will surely bring you loads of adult entertainment if you are into watching girl-next-door performers in homemade sex videos and erotic pictures. You are guaranteed to see 100% real amateur models who do pretty much every kinky scene you could ever imagine. Notably, they have allowed their ex-lovers to film them while masturbating and getting fucked, thinking that the videos will be kept private. However, due to some circumstances, these videos have been made available online and you have the chance to devour them all. Yes, there are already many options out there with the same theme, but ExGF is definitely on top of the game with its beautiful models, high-quality amateur content, and pleasant website that works well not only on computers but also on mobile devices!
The Site
ExGF is one of the most reliable sources of amateur porn movies on the Internet right now. The girls have never tried to do porn movies before –they’re just simply having a good time with their lovers. There are also solo performances where the girls are playing with their gorgeous bodies and talking straight to the cameras as if they are talking directly to you. You’ll find everything very hot and sexy!
The official website of ExGF will instantly catch your attention because of its colorful design. The layout is neat and simple, perfect for users who are not fond of cluttered websites. The content is presented in a tube-line manner which allows you to get around easily. On the homepage, you’ll be informed right away about what videos are hot and trending at the moment. However, you are welcome to browse through other videos as well. Notably, the site claims to add new scenes every week, but the videos are not dated, so there’s no way to verify it.
The videos are already arranged based on their ratings and the number of views. You can always rearrange the default presentation based on your liking, or just randomly click on a scene, it’s up to you. Or, you can rely on a basic search engine and category tags. After all, here’s the thing. Every video is worth watching you will soon realize there is no need to filter your options. You just simply move from one scene to another.
ExGF is like a breath of fresh air if you are already fed up with seeing the same faces in porn movies over and over again. In the videos, you’ll see gorgeous girls who are casually responding to their sexual desires without any care in the world. Some scenes were filmed by the girls themselves, while others by their lovers around that time. They love to pose naked, and play with their tits and pussies, sometimes only using their fingers while in other instances, there are sex toys present. Aside from these softcore moments, you’ll also see these stunning ladies eagerly stroking huge cocks, sucking them, and riding them without any inhibitions! And the best part? The majority of the scenes are in your POV!