- Month membership
- $29.95
- 30 days
- 3 months membership
- $59.95
- 90 days
- Year membership
- $149.95
- 365 days
By becoming a member of this porn site, you will be able to gain access to their magazines from the 1960s, up to all of their classic porn videos (from the very first one released in VHS format, to their latest in DVD). We know that one will never be able to watch all the things that have happened in the past 50 years of porn, but by signing up for PrivateClassics, you will be able to try. Not only that, by signing up for PrivateClassics, you will also gain access to their other sites like the main site of Private, and the popular, PrivateBabes Live Sex Cams. Hence, let us talk about the different membership plans already. Shall we? They have three different monthly plans: a one-month, a three-month, and a twelve-month plan. You will pay them monthly as well. Keep in mind, though, that the most popular choice would be the twelve-month plan because it also provides the biggest savings. After that, all you need to do is fill up the form and you are all set.