This porn platform should be for everyone who sees it. You just have to be very vigilant nowadays and every time you think you’re by yourself and nobody can see what you’re doing, there might be some folks just around the corner or behind those bushes who is recording you in your sexual escapades.
If you are filming, you have to be very sly and lucky to be in the right place at the right time to record female diddling their cherries or getting banged by some lucky guy. Some of these ladies were caught in the act in the bedroom or other spaces in the house, whilst others were recorded doing shameful deeds with their lover or by themselves in the great outdoors. Wherever it is that they were doing, They Didn’t Know that they were being recorded and that’s the amusing part of the entire act.
Even though you aren’t a peeping Tom, it’s not unbelievable to think that you might suddenly catch lovers in the act of fucking. I’ve seen at least two chicks give head, once in the middle of a party and another time in the middle of a bar. Now, I’ve never caught a couple fucking while I’ve taken a walk in the woods, but having had sex in the woods a few times, I imagine that there are plenty of couples hiding out in the brush fucking, or at least thinking that they’re hiding where no one can see them. On They Didn’t Know, all the people are caught with their pants down. The site has been closed, check more premium porn sites!