This site has surprised me in more ways than one, ways that you will see once you get to the home page. The page, home to a great design, will arouse you, just as much as the real content will. The page is in black and white, but mostly black, some parts being white, if they need be highlighted. The black makes the content stand out, the menu bar, the bar of the network site, called Kink. The previews are also there, featured ones, to the left, in red, and two columns of regular ones, to the right, in black. You can actually play 5 previews, to get yourself going, if you need any more convincing that you need to join this site.
What is more, the site has absolutely no lag at all, meaning that once you load a video, it will start instantly, likewise, the pages load in a second or less. What I’ve found to be even better is that you can do all of that on the mobile devices, so your porn basically becomes portable.